Uporaba predfiltrov iz nerjavečega jekla pri filtraciji vode

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Uporaba predfiltrov iz nerjavečega jekla pri filtraciji vode

The pre-filter plays a vital role in the filtration process by trapping larger particles and contaminants and preventing them from reaching the main filtration stage.
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Opis izdelka

A stainless steel prefilter typically refers to a filter made from stainless steel that is used as a preliminary filtration stage in various applications.  Stainless steel is chosen for its corrosion resistance, durability, and strength.  Prefilters play a crucial role in the filtration process by capturing larger particles and contaminants before the main filtration stage.

Here are some common applications and features of stainless steel prefilters:

1.Water Filtration Systems: Stainless steel prefilters are often used in water filtration systems to remove larger particles, sediment, and debris before water passes through finer filters.

2.Air Filtration Systems: In HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems and industrial air filtration, stainless steel prefilters can be employed to trap larger airborne particles, extending the life of subsequent filters.

3.Industrial Processes: In industrial settings where liquids or gases need filtration, stainless steel prefilters can be part of the process to protect sensitive equipment downstream.

4.Food and Beverage Industry: Stainless steel prefilters may be used in food and beverage processing to remove impurities and contaminants from liquids before further processing.

5.Chemical Processing: In chemical manufacturing, stainless steel prefilters can be utilized to ensure that raw materials entering a process are free from particles that could interfere with reactions or damage equipment.

6.Oil Filtration: Stainless steel prefilters can be employed in oil filtration systems to remove larger particles and contaminants from the oil before it goes through finer filtration stages.

The choice of stainless steel is often due to its resistance to rust and corrosion, making it suitable for use in environments where exposure to moisture or corrosive substances is a concern.

When considering or using a stainless steel prefilter, it's essential to understand the specific requirements of the application, such as the size and type of particles to be filtered, flow rates, and compatibility with the overall filtration system.  Regular maintenance and cleaning may also be necessary to ensure the optimal performance of the prefilter.


Parameter izdelka

Water discharge: 20T/H
Blowdown mode: manual backwash
Applicable pressure range: 0.1-1.5Mpa
Inlet water temperature: 5°C-40°C
Filtration accuracy:40 microns
Product material: 304 stainless steel body
316 stainless steel screen

Ustrezna industrija

1.Water treatment industry: Used to capture particles, sediments and impurities in water to ensure that the water is clean before entering the finer filtration stage.
2.Food and beverage processing: In food and beverage production, it is used to remove impurities from raw materials and ensure the quality and safety of products.
3.Chemical manufacturing: In the chemical industry, it is used to protect sensitive equipment from particles entering the production process.
4.Oil and gas industry: Used for pretreatment of oil products and natural gas to remove particles and impurities to protect equipment.
5.Pharmaceutical industry: In pharmaceutical production, ensure the purity of raw materials and intermediate products and prevent pollution.
6.Industrial gas treatment: used to remove impurities in atmospheric gases and ensure gas quality in industrial processes.
7.Air conditioning and HVAC systems: In HVAC systems, used to capture particles in the air, extend filter life and improve air quality.
8.Metal working and manufacturing: In metal working, it is used to remove solid particles from liquids and prevent equipment damage.
9.Desalination: Used in desalination systems to remove particles and impurities from seawater to protect desalination equipment.
10.Power industry: In power production, it is used to remove particles in cooling water and prevent clogging of pipes and equipment.

Močna prednost

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