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 Sewage Treatment Solutions

Rešitve za čiščenje odplak


We have a wealth of experience in the water industry gained over many years of working with customers representing a wide variety of industries, including Pharmaceuticals, the Oil industry, and several more. 
We have a range of standard products, which have the functionality to be used in the development of custom engineered water treatment systems. Our team has the expertise and flexibility of being able to design and build a system to a Customer’s exact requirements, and offer our best advice to ensure the result is a robust and effective commercial water treatment solution ideal for their needs.

Stopite v stik z nami with us today for a custom design of water treatment services that match your exact needs.

We take pride in manufacturing our systems right here, in our workshop in Malaysia. These commercial water treatment systems are not only designed and built to meet our Customer’s exact requirements, but also to our very high standards, with all systems undergoing thorough testing by our team of specialists before being approved for delivery.

Our commercial water treatment systems include various solutions such as Commercial Water Filter Systems, Softener, Deionisation, Reverse Osmosis (RO), Continuous Electro-deionisation (CEDI), Water Recycling, and Containerised Water Purification Systems.

Our Field Service Engineers here at STARK WATER are trained to a high standard, and are strategically located around the country to offer our clients first-hand expert advice as needed. Should you wish to consult with one of our engineers, we offer the choice of a fixed-price quotation or a service contract basis to meet your needs, with our engineers available on an hour and mileage basis.

Our water treatment system engineers specialise in:
  • Obnova rastlin
  • Preoblikovanje in nadgradnja nadzornega sistema
  • Montaža cevovodov
  • Zamenjava smole
  • Zamenjava RO membrane
  • RO in UF membranski CIP
  • Dezinfekcija sistema
  • Kalibracija instrumenta
  • Premestitev obrata
  • Remont obratov

As part of our continuing customer support, we have a range of Service Contracts available to our clients which can be customised for individual applications. The service we provide is in support of both STSRK products and systems, and also other water treatment manufacturers’ products and systems.

Our clients who choose to have a service contract with us enjoy multiple benefits, such as:
  • Vnaprej načrtovani preventivni vzdrževalni obiski
  • Kalibracija instrumenta
  • Prednostni odziv na oblaček inženirja
  • 24-urna telefonska podpora
  • Znižane cene inženirjev
Prosim, prosite za ponudbo for your particular needs.

If you have an existing water purification or water filtration system set up and are looking to upgrade or refurbish the system, our team of expert engineers are here to help. Strategically located around the country, our team can offer you first-hand advice as needed. 

Please Stopite v stik z nami if you would like a consultation on this option, and we will schedule a site visit to survey your installations, and offer the ideal advice for your needs.

Stopite v stik z nami

Servisni izdelki

Frp Sea Water 8040 Ro Membrane Housing Fabrick High Pressure Vessel Price Or Desalination Salt Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

Frp morska voda 8040 Ro membransko ohišje tkanina Cena visokotlačne posode ali razsoljevanje Sol Reverse Osmoza vodni filter

  • High desalination rate and high stability OHIŠJE RO membrane
  • Visoka stroškovna zmogljivost in širok obseg uporabe
  • Visoka penetracijska industrija, visoka stopnja proizvodnje vode
  • Nizkonapetostno delovanje, nizka poraba energije
Ozone Generator Water Treatment System For Underground Drinking Water 30g Air Purifier For Room Car Ozone Sterilizer

Ozonski generator sistem za prečiščevanje vode za podzemno pitno vodo 30g čistilec zraka za sobni avtomobilski sterilizator ozona

  • Generator ozona s tehnologijo praznjenja korone z visoko koncentracijo ozona in dolgo življenjsko dobo z 220-240V / 50Hz. Z vmesnikom za izmenjavo zračnih virov. lahko povežete samokisik, ki potrebuje ali dovajanje zraka Design z majhnostjo. enostavno jemanje in majhna teža.
  • Volume of ozone machine is small in the industry, insaltian area is not restricted.Generator ozona
10T RO System Desalination Water Treatment Factory Supply Drinking Water Purification Machine

10T RO sistem Tovarna za čiščenje vode Oskrba s pitno vodo stroj za čiščenje pitne vode

  • Low pressure, high flow RO membrane Čiščenje vode za razsoljevanje sistema RO
    Reduced the pressure and noise from pump and remained the high salt rejection rate 
  • Enostavna namestitev in vzdrževanje  Enostopenjski sistem upravljanja in krmiljenja z mikrokrmilnikom ali PLC-jem (zaslon na dotik)
  • Kompaktna zasnova  Pri načrtovanju sistemov z mehko 3D risbo zmanjšajte površino sistema.
Stainless Steel 5 Micron Pleated Cartridge Filter Pressure Tank Swimming Pool Water Filter Tank Faucet Filter Treatment Machine

Nerjaveče jeklo 5 mikron nagubana kartuša filter tlačni rezervoar bazen rezervoar za vodni filter pipa filter stroj za obdelavo filtra

  • Visoka natančnost filtracije. Enotna velikost por filtrirnega elementa
  • Filtracijska odpornost je majhna. Fluks je velik. Sposobnost prestrezanja onesnaženja je močna. dolgotrajna
  • Material filtrirnega elementa ima visoko čistočo. Brez onesnaževanja filtrirnega medija.
  • Acid resistance. Chemical solvents such as alkali..Kartušni filter OHIŠJE
Stainless Steel Multimedia Mechanical Filter Use For Automatic Sand Filter, Carbon Quartz Filter In Water Treatment Plant

Uporaba multimedijskega mehanskega filtra iz nerjavečega jekla za avtomatski peščeni filter, filter iz ogljikovega kremena v čistilni napravi

  • Mehanski filtri se imenujejo tudi tlačni filtri. So pomemben del sistemov za predobdelavo in čiščenje vode za pripravo čiste vode. 
  • Material je izdelan iz jeklene obloge, gume ali nerjavečega jekla. Glede na različne filtrirne medije je razdeljen na naravni kremenov peščeni filter in multimedijski filter. Filter z aktivnim ogljem, filter za manganov pesek.itd. 
Mehanski filter

Prednost naših storitev


20 let strokovnih proizvodnih izkušenj imeti strokovno ekipo za raziskave in razvoj, proizvodnjo in predelovalno tehnologijo, Nacionalno visokotehnološko podjetje


Visokokakovostni izdelki, opravljeni IS09001 certifikat sistema vodenja kakovosti

Stroškovno učinkovita cena

Tovarniška neposredna prodaja, prihranek stroškov posrednikov, cena je 10% -15% nižja od vrstnikov

Poprodajne storitve

Hitro se odzovite in odpravite težave, o katerih poročajo stranke Strankam zagotovite navodila za namestitev opreme in tehnično usposabljanje Izdelki za opremo imajo 12-18 mesecev garancije.

Imate vprašanja, ki jih moramo rešiti? Lahko nas celo kontaktirate

Pošljite nam svoje projektne zahteve in ponudili vam bomo najboljšo rešitev.

Pošlji naročilo storitve