Air Purifiers And Generator ozona: What You Need To Know

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24. junija 2022

Air Purifiers And Generator ozona: What You Need To Know

Air Purifiers And Generator ozona: What You Need To Know
Ozone generators are one of the most common ways to quickly remove airborne contaminants and odors from domas, offices, and even cars.

While these machines can “shock” the air and deliver fast results, they can also be dangerous to our health, especially our lungs.

Isti molekularni proces, zaradi katerega so generatorji ozona tako učinkoviti, je tudi tisto, zaradi česar so nevarni. Če razmišljate o uporabi ozonskega čiščenja zraka za odstranjevanje močnega vonja ali odpravo plesni, morate biti v celoti obveščeni o njihovi zgodovini in pravilni uporabi ter alternativah generatorjem ozona.

But first, you need to understand what ozone is and why it’s so effective yet so harmful.

Kaj je ozon?

We know you didn’t come here for a chemistry lecture, but if you want to understand ozone, you’re going to have to bear with us while we get into the details a little. Don’t worry, it’s really not that complicated, and there’s no test afterwards!

Ozone is made of oxygen molecules. The type of oxygen we are most familiar with, the kind we breathe every day, is actually dioxygen, or “02,” which is made of two oxygen molecules. (Technically speaking, we don’t actually breathe individual oxygen molecules, we breathe dioxygen.)

Ozone is simply three oxygen molecules, or “O3.” In the science world, ozone is referred to as “trioxygen”. This third oxygen molecule is unstable and only shares a loose connection with the other two molecules.

Therefore, it will easily attach itself to pollution, especially high-odor pollutants like smoke. It can also attach itself to viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and organic matter. After it attaches to pollutants, the substance is destroyed. The ability to attach to other molecules, such as smoke and odor, gives ozone it’s ability to clean and deodorize indoor areas quickly.


Kaj je čistilec zraka z ozonom?

One of the most common ways to “clean” air and remove strong odors is through the use of an ozone air generator, also known as ozone machines or ozone čistilec zrakas. These machines are designed to create ozone through a simple process that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. However, like many things, just because it’s “natural,” doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

Because ozone is highly reactive, it is nearly impossible, at least with today’s technology and knowledge, to store it for any prolonged time. Therefore, it needs to be generated onsite through the use of high-tech machines.

Čistilniki zraka z ozonom v bistvu vzamejo kisik iz zraka (O2) in mu dajejo močan električni naboj. Ta električni naboj omogoča, da se molekule kisika preuredijo in tvorijo O3, naš slavni ozon. (Ali ste vedeli, da je zaradi električnih nabojev prizemni ozon pogosto prisoten na višjih ravneh po nevihti?)

Zdaj se ozon sprosti iz stroja v zrak. Ko zadene molekule, kot sta plesen ali dim, se tretja molekula kisika veže na molekule onesnaževala in ga v bistvu odstrani.

O3 se veže na bakterije, glivice, klice, vonjave in druge onesnaževalce ter na molekularni ravni uničuje celično steno. Ta postopek odpravlja onesnaževalo, medtem ko ozon vrača nazaj v kisik.

Through this process, Generator ozonas can be extremely useful for cleaning pungent odors, removing the smell of smoke, and eliminating mold. They are used in hospitals, hotels, and even domas, but, as we’ll learn, they can be dangerous and must be used only by trained, qualified professionals.


Knocking The Lid Off Generator ozonas

Before 2005, “ionizing” čistilec zrakas, which were essentially Generator ozonas, were used in domas to clean air and remove odors. For a while this seemed like a perfectly acceptable practice, but in the spring of 2005, Poročila potrošnikov objavil študijo, ki je v bistvu obsodila uporabo ionizirajočih čistilnikov zraka za vsakodnevne stanovanjske namene.

Their study found that five popular models not only did “a poor job of cleaning the air,” several of the units exposed users to “potentially harmful ozone levels.” This report brought to the public attention a serious issue with this type of air cleaning and caused the federal government to severely regulate and restrict the use of ioniser air cleaners (Ionski čistilniki zraka) in generatorji ozona.

Ionizatorji v čistilcu zraka najpogosteje delujejo s sproščanjem Negativni ioni. Stranski produkt generatorjev negativnih ionov je ozon, čeprav je izhod ozona na veliko nižji ravni kot čistilec zraka za ozon.

Poročila potrošnikov is operated by the Consumers Union, a non-profit organization dedicated to influencing policy and providing unbiased information for consumers.

Ta organizacija je priporočila, da zvezna vlada določi standarde za notranji ozon za čistilce zraka in zahteva uporabo testiranja pred dajanjem na trg, pa tudi oznake, ki prikazujejo rezultate testov.

To poročilo je spodbudilo vlado, da igra večjo vlogo pri nadzoru in predpisih generatorjev ozona (in čistilnikov zraka na splošno) in se pogosto navaja kot pomemben del razvoja in uporabe ozonskih izdelkov.

Zakaj ozon ni varen?

Zakaj je torej ozon sploh tako nevaren?

Zakaj je kemikalija, ki se naravno nahaja v ozračju in se proizvaja še več med nevihtami, skrb za naše zdravje in dobro počutje?

It occurs naturally, so it can’t be that big of a problem right?

No, radon se pojavlja naravno, tako kot UV svetloba, in tudi poplave, snežni meteži in orkani. In kot vsi vemo, je lahko tudi to nevarno!

Ozon je zelo reaktivna kemikalija. Zaradi svoje sposobnosti reagiranja z molekulami v zraku ima nenavadno sposobnost odstranjevanja močnih vonjav in onesnaževal.

But ozone doesn’t magically lose its reactive abilities when inhaled. On the contrary, when ozone is inhaled by humans, it remains just as reactive. This reactive nature is what makes ozone dangerous to humans and other forms of life.

Pri vdihavanju lahko ozon povzroči reakcijo v pljučih. Tudi pri nizkih ravneh lahko to povzroči številne zdravstvene težave, zlasti s pljuči. Lahko vnamejo in poškodujejo dihalne poti ter naredijo pljuča bolj dovzetna za okužbe.


Common Uses For Generator ozonas

Vemo, da so generatorji ozona lahko škodljivi za naše zdravje. Zakaj jih torej še vedno uporabljamo?

Ker imajo kljub tveganjem močno sposobnost čiščenja, razkuževanja in odstranjevanja žaljivih vonjav. Za razliko od čistilec zraka, you can’t operate an ozone air cleaner on a continual basis, but that doesn’t mean they should never be used. It simply means they need to be used cautiously. 

A Few Uses For Generator ozonas Include:

  • Ubijanje plesni in plesni: Using ozone air purification to “blast” or “shock” mold and mildew is a common commercial practice. Airborne mold spores can be harmful to health, especially the lungs and respiratory system. Mold and mildew can trigger asthma and allergies, so removing them is always a top priority. However, mold removal often requires the removal and demolition of building materials, including wood framing, sheet rock, carpet, and ceiling panels. With Generator ozonas, mold can be removed in a relatively quick and affordable fashion.
  • Odstranjevanje bakterij, klic in virusov: Disease-causing substances like bacteria, germs, and viruses are often hiding in plain sight. Places like the kitchen sink, bathroom floor, TV remote, and even the salt and pepper shakers can all hold bacteria and germs, increasing the likelihood of sickness in your doma. Ozone generators, however, have proven abilities to remove many disease-causing substances by attacking the contaminants at the molecular level.
  • Odstranjevanje vonjav: One of the most common uses for Generator ozonas is the removal of odors. In the same way that it attacks mold or bacteria cells, ozone gas will also attack the physical airborne cells that make odors. This can be useful for many different purposes, including hotel rooms that have lingering smells from tobacco smoke. Another potential use is by landlords who need to remove the smell of pets from their properties, or by average domaowners who simply want to remove a foul odor in their doma. Using ozone gas is often a last-ditch effort to remove an odor. When other techniques, such as cleaning solutions and scented air fresheners fail, having ozone concentrations can be used to “shock” the room.
  • There are other uses, but these are the main reasons that people choose to release ozone chemicals into their domas, businesses, and property.

How To Use An Generator ozona Properly

Če se odločite za uporabo generatorja ozona za odstranjevanje plesni, bakterij ali vonja, kako to storiti?

As we’ve already established, when you use ozone, you are releasing a dangerous pollutant into your doma, so you need to make sure everything is done right.

V skoraj vseh primerih je najbolje uporabiti profesionalno podjetje za čiščenje in odstranjevanje vonjav, ki ponuja generatorje ozona kot del svojega poslovanja. Ti izkušeni strokovnjaki so ustrezno usposobljeni, zato imajo znanje in spretnosti za varen in učinkovit dokončanje procesa ozona.

Prvič, če uporabljate ozon za odstranjevanje vonja, začnite z odstranitvijo vira vonja in čim bolj temeljitim čiščenjem. To mora vključevati uporabo varnih tekočih čistil, sesanje preprog, brisanje površin in prašenje.

Vsi ti ukrepi bodo pripomogli k učinkovitejšemu odstranjevanju vonja in odkrito povedano, morda boste odkrili, da po dobrem trdem čiščenju obdelava z ozonom ni več potrebna.

Običajno je zaželena najem generatorja ozona, vendar ga lahko kupite za osebno uporabo, vendar nikoli ne želite biti v sobi, ko deluje.

If you own a hotel, multiple rental properties, or a business that has strong odors (such as a restaurant or pet-related service), then purchasing an Generator ozona may be a smart choice. However, if you are a domaowner, it’s probably wise to just rent, as you won’t need it on a regular basis and definitely would want to use as little as possible.

Every Generator ozona will be different, so if you are using it yourself, be sure to follow, in every detail, the instructions for that machine. Make sure the windows in the doma are closed and start the Generator ozona by following the instructions.

You will then need to leave the area and allow the ozone to do its work. Many units run on a timer, so they will turn off after a preset period. Once the period is over, allow the ozone to dissipate completely before entering the doma or room. This can take a couple hours, so be patient and give yourself plenty of time. This is like treating your doma for pests with chemicals. Avoid contact.

Here’s a few tips to make the cleaning process more effective:
  • Uporabite ventilator na nizki ravni ali pustite ventilator klimatske naprave, da omogočite boljšo cirkulacijo ozona.
  • Zagon klimatske naprave lahko pomaga tudi pri sanaciji kanalov plesni in plesni.
  • Namesto da bi naredili 12-urni maraton odstranjevanja ozona, poskusite narediti nekaj kratkih obdobij, da postopoma erodirate vonj ali plesen.
  • Make sure EVERYONE is removed from the doma during treatment, including pets.
With these tips, you can more safely use an Generator ozona in your doma. However, there are safer, more reliable options that clean the air without the added risk to your health and wellbeing.

While Generator ozonas have their place, room čistilec zrakas with true HEPA and activated carbon filters can often be used to reach the same goals.

Kako se čistilniki zraka z ozonom razlikujejo od drugih čistilnikov?

All of this begs a serious question. How are Generator ozonas different from other čistilec zrakas?

The differences, in fact, are immense. In most cases, čistilec zrakas generally do not release pollution into the air. While Generator ozonas release a gas that is considered a pollutant to clean and sanitize, čistilec zrakas simply filter the air.

For example, an čistilec zraka that uses a charcoal filter will suck in air and move it across the filtering surface. The filter then traps pollutants, allergens, and other substances before the air is moved back out to the room.

This is a fundamental difference between čistilec zrakas and Generator ozonas. One releases a cleaning chemical, while the other simply filters pollutants from the air.

Another important difference is this: with an Generator ozona, the actual cleaning happens outside of the machine, when ozone touches another substance. With čistilec zrakas, the cleaning happens inside the machine, when pollutants are trapped by the filter.

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