O uvodu prednosti FRP TANK

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23. septembra 2022

O uvodu prednosti FRP TANK

FRP TANK's thermal guidance rate is low, with 1.25 ~ 1.67kJ/(m · h · k) at room temperature, and only the metal's 1/100 ~ 1/1000 is the excellent insulation material. In the case of instantaneous ultra -high temperature, it is the ideal thermal protection and metastic materials, which can protect the cosmic aircraft with high -speed air flowing above 2000 ° C.

Izdelke FRP Tank lahko prilagodljivo oblikujete glede na potrebe, da izpolnite zahteve uporabe in da ima izdelek dobro celovitost. V celoti lahko izberete material, ki ustreza zmogljivosti izdelka, kot so: lahko je zasnovan z odpornostjo proti koroziji, trenutno visoko temperaturo, še posebej visoko intenzivnostjo v smeri izdelka, dobrim dielektrikom in tako naprej.

FRP TANK's excellent craftsmanship can flexibly select the molding process according to the shape, technical requirements, use and quantity of the product. The craftsmanship is simple, can be formed at one time, and the economic effect is prominent, especially for products with complicated shapes and less easy to form, and highlight its process advantages.

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